Monday, April 28, 2014

get out

I think I've been hearing the collective sighs of relief in the city as people finally, tentatively started to emerge from hibernation and believe in the reality of spring.  (Perfect stoop sitting weather!)

If you're like me, warmer temperatures get you itching to travel. That's one of the fun parts of this job--when I'm scouting for books for the library, I get to fantasize about where I (and you) might want to go, and provide you a travel guide to get there. Our collection is heavy on Lonely Planet and Rough Guides to be sure, but one book that heads off the beaten path is Ayun Holliday's "Zinester's Guide to NYC."   The author (who's a zinemaker herself) has a great subject to work with, and she doesn't disappoint. Places to eat are primary on her list (with some excellent vegetarian and vegan choices), but then she also highlights bookstores, comic books stores, thrift shops, green spaces (including cemeteries), and various odds and ends (like where to go in a heat wave) that will make you feel like a local. Plenty of coffeeshops are highlighted in it too.

In her forward, Ayun encourages people to make a one-shot zine about their NY trips and mail it to her.  If you borrow the book and feel so inspired, drop off a copy to us too, and we'll add it to our zine shelf.

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